Saturday, October 11, 2008

Discover How This One remarkably Simple Tip Can Explode Your Success With Women!

There are tons of excellent books out there concerning how to be successful with women. I have read a lot of them and have really gotten some fantastic advice and tips on being more successful with women. Sometimes, how-ever, you can make the whole process of meeting and seducing women so complicated that most men are immobilized because of information over-load!

Sometimes the best ideas are really the simplest ideas because they get you to do the one thing that is absolutely critical in succeeding with women-taking action! Here is one such piece of advice. In order to become successful with women you have to exercise that extra 5% of courage!

I know that may sound so obvious that it should not be necessary to even mention it, but when you take into account all of the really detailed and confusing advice on meeting women, this one piece of advice is often over looked.

You see, in the real world, the most successful guys are the ones who simply go up to the women they are attracted to and start talking. Do they bomb out a lot? Sure, but success with women is a numbers game any way. The more women you try to pick up, the more successful you will be just of the sheer volume of women you approach.

You can learn the best pick up women advice ever written, but if all you do is stand there and think about what you should say or do, that opportunity to meet that fine women will quickly pass you by. You see, most guys wait eternally for the perfect moment to approach that woman, but that perfect moment will never come! You will never feel 100% certain of success. Those who do wait, usually wait for-ever!

Courage does not mean that you are fearless. Real courage means that you make the choice to take action in spite of your fear! Most men, even the who are super successful with women experience a little tingle of fear in the moment right before they decide to go for it!

The great thing about choosing to exercise that extra 5% of courage is that you are not required to radically change your-self or your life in order to be successful with women.
Exercising that extra 5% of courage means maintaining eye contact when a woman looks at you instead of looking away. It means saying "hi" instead of playing it cool. It means complimenting her instead of playing it safe. It means asking her out instead of letting her walk away.

You do not have the get your-self to be the epitome of self confidence and positive self belief in order to succeed with women. Most of us can hold our own with a woman once we have made contact. That is the hardest part. Once you make a habit out of exercising that extra 5% of courage to meet women, you will be amazed at how successful you will become with picking up women.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Success With Women:The Right Pick Up Line Will Work!

Have you ever encountered this frustrating little scenario? It’s one of those rare magically moments where fate has throw you together with the woman of your wildest dreams...maybe you are in the elevator together or she sits down next to you on the bus, or what ever. You want to say something, but try as you might, the right words just don’t come your way.

This situation is the norm not the exception. Unfortunately, despite the fact that there are women all around us who want to be picked up, most guys just don’t know what to say in those moments of opportunity.

There is this quote that says "It is better to be prepared and not have an opportunity, than to have an opportunity and not be prepared!" you see, most guys aren’t prepared for the opportunity! By learning a few good pick up lines, you can be prepared for the inevitable opportunity with the women of your dreams.(or even the women for the moment!)
I believe that pick up lines have gotten a bad rap due largely to the popular, but crude and truthfully degrading, pick up lines being used by clueless clods.

We have all heard them, haven’t we? "Excuse me, are those space pants you’re wearing? Because your ass is out of this world!" or "are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see." Help me, Jesus!
Basically, a good pick up line allows you to break the ice without being rude or offensive to the woman and not sounding corny or ridiculous. The main purpose of a pick up line is to break the ice and get introduced to the woman.

The biggest mistake guys usually make when trying to break the ice with a woman is to try you come up with the perfect super smooth line that is sure to have her eating out of their hands. Since there is no such a line they usually wait too long and then the moment has passed them by.
There are basically three ways to start a conversation with a woman. One, talk about her. Two, talk about yourself. Three, talk about the situation you both are in.

You should know right now that starting off a conversation talking about yourself is the least effective way to start off a conversation with a woman. It may surprise you, but in the early stages of getting to know a woman, she isn’t interested in talking about you.

Women, just like men, I suppose, love to talk about themselves. They love to be able to express themselves and be understood so, starting off a conversation talking about her is the best bet.
Also, talking about the situation is also effective because you are both involved in the situation. Let’s say that you are stuck waiting in line to re-new your license at the dept of motor vehicles. You can say "These lines at dmv are the worst!" to an attractive blonde standing in front of you. Most likely, she will reply "Yes, they are. I hate coming down here!"

Once the ice is broken, it’s fairly easy to keep a conversation going. The hardest part in talking to women is just breaking the ice. That’s half the battle right there.
Here are a few pick up lines to get you started.

HI. (The greatest pick up line of all)

Excuse me, are you waiting for the 609 bus? (To the beauty waiting at the bus stop.)

Are you french? (Because she has such pretty exotic features.)

Do you model? (To a tall elegant looking woman)

Excuse me, did you ever work at(you fill in the job)

Then main thing to remember that it’s not so important what you say(as long as it’s not stupid or insulting)but that you seize the day and say something. If you don’t , that moment will pass you by.