Sunday, December 13, 2009

How to be a player

The ultimate success formula for being a player!

There’s really no great mystery to meeting women. In fact it’s rather

simple and fairly easy to do! To meet women you basically have to:

1. Know what to say. You may have heard a lot of negative things

about opening lines,but the fact of the matter is they’re easiest way

to meet women on the spur of the moment! I think opening lines

have gotten a bad name due to some of those lame,cheesy pick up

lines guys use to try and score with women. The best pick up lines

are the ones that don’t sound like a pick up line. You’ll get some

great opening lines in the coming chapters.

2. Make the approach. You must exercise that extra 5% of courage

and go right up to women and start talking!

3. Make the proposition. After you’ve broken the ice with a woman,

found out her name, complimented her and established some

rapport with her it’s time to ask for her telephone number.

4. Be persistent! Not ever woman you approach will give you her

phone number or even the time of day! Success with women is a

numbers games. The more women you approach and try to pick up

the greater the odds are of your ultimate success

Thursday, November 5, 2009

3 fantastic tips on how to succeed with women.

Number one. Show your romantic interest right away! One of the biggest mistakes most men make with women they are attracted to is to try to be friends first with a woman then turn that friendship into a romance. Woman decide rather quickly on which guys will be their friends and which guys will be their lovers.

The men who show their romantic interest up-front usually end up in the lover position in a woman’s life. The limp timid guys who beat around the bush usually end up as the lowly friend. Which do you want to be?

Number two. Compliment them. This is directly related to showing your romantic interest up-front. By giving a woman sincere compliments you immediately show her your romantic interest. Guys who are just friends don’t compliment women, at least not in a way that let’s them know that they find them attractive.

Number three. Maintain good eye contact. Don’t confuse this with engaging a woman in a staring contest! Just hold eye contact with a woman ever so often while you talk to her. Most guys tend to look away or avoid making solid eye contact with women they are attracted to.