Thursday, November 5, 2009

3 fantastic tips on how to succeed with women.

Number one. Show your romantic interest right away! One of the biggest mistakes most men make with women they are attracted to is to try to be friends first with a woman then turn that friendship into a romance. Woman decide rather quickly on which guys will be their friends and which guys will be their lovers.

The men who show their romantic interest up-front usually end up in the lover position in a woman’s life. The limp timid guys who beat around the bush usually end up as the lowly friend. Which do you want to be?

Number two. Compliment them. This is directly related to showing your romantic interest up-front. By giving a woman sincere compliments you immediately show her your romantic interest. Guys who are just friends don’t compliment women, at least not in a way that let’s them know that they find them attractive.

Number three. Maintain good eye contact. Don’t confuse this with engaging a woman in a staring contest! Just hold eye contact with a woman ever so often while you talk to her. Most guys tend to look away or avoid making solid eye contact with women they are attracted to.

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